Song of the Tongue twister, generated by AI
I asked AI to generate a song of the Tongue twister.
The AI called 'Suno’ can generate songs from text.
[Chorus 1]
Miss Smith’s fish-sauce shop.
Eight apes ate eight apples.
People pick pink peas.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
A big black bug bit a big black bear.
Red lorry, yellow lorry.
Freshly fried fresh flesh.
Vincent vowed vengeance very vehemently.
Vivian believes violent, violet bugs have very big value.
She sells sea shells by the seashore.
He threw three free throws.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Pad kid poured curd pulled cod.
Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades,
blunderbusses, and bludgeons-balancing them badly.
Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.
Generating style of music
I asked ChatGPT 'Plese tell me the suitable style of music for above lyrics’.
The result is below.
The lyrics you’ve provided consist of a series of tongue twisters, alliterations, and playful phrases, making them fun and rhythmically complex. The suitable style of music for these lyrics would ideally enhance the rhythmic playfulness and verbal dexterity. Here are some styles that would work well:
- Hip-Hop/Rap:
- Hip-hop and rap are characterized by rhythmic spoken word and fast-paced lyrical delivery, making them a perfect match for tongue twisters and alliterations. The beat-driven nature of hip-hop would emphasize the rhythm and flow of the words, allowing for creative and playful vocal performances.
- Beatboxing/Acapella:
- Beatboxing combined with acapella vocals would be an engaging way to present these lyrics. The use of vocal percussion and harmony would add a fun, percussive element to the tongue twisters, highlighting the rhythmic complexity without the need for instrumental backing.
- Jazz/Scat Singing:
- Jazz, particularly with scat singing, would bring a lively and improvisational feel to the lyrics. Scat singing, which involves using nonsensical syllables and rhythmic phrasing, aligns well with the playful and rhythmic nature of the tongue twisters.
- Electronic/Dance:
- An electronic or dance music style with a fast tempo and repetitive beat would complement the rapid-fire delivery of tongue twisters. The energetic and upbeat nature of dance music would make the lyrics feel vibrant and dynamic.
- Children’s Music:
- A playful, whimsical children’s music style would be ideal for these tongue twisters, especially if aimed at a younger audience. Simple melodies and rhythmic patterns would make the lyrics fun and easy to follow, turning the tongue twisters into an engaging sing-along.
Each of these styles would highlight different aspects of the tongue twisters, whether it’s the rhythm, the playfulness, or the complexity of the language.
So I used below style of music.
Hip-Hop/Rap,Beatboxing/Acapella,Jazz/Scat Singing,Electronic/Dance,Children’s Music
Generating a song
Finally, I asked Suno to generate a song using above lyrics and style of music.
Special thanks
I used below pictures for making video,Thanks!